Sunday, April 28, 2013

Toblerone Contest

For our creative challenge we came up with a social media campaign so people could try out the new Toblerone Crunchy Salted Almond which features Swiss milk chocolate with salted caramelized almonds, honey and almond nougat. For our social media campaign we will use three different social media sites which include Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. With this this campaign we hope to increase the number of people that will try out this new chocolate bar which will also be featured in a limited edition red and gold box because of the holiday season.

We will create a Facebook like page to get the word out about our Toblerone Contest which will start the day after Thanksgiving also known as "Black Friday" and will end on December 24th or "Christmas Eve". The point of the contest is whoever generates the most likes on their posted photos will win. Anyone in the United States can participate in this contest by posting a photograph of themselves with the new Toblerone bar, this photo can be taken anywhere but here is the catch, it must be a holiday setting since its the end of the year which is the time in the United States that people celebrate. There will be 3 winners of the "Holiday Toblerone Challenge". 1st place winner will get an all expense paid 2 day trip to New York for New Year's Eve which includes 2 plane tickets, hotel reservations, and a limousine ride. The second place winner will get $1,000. The third place winner will win a months worth of the new Toblerone Crunchy Salted Almond.

Althought the main contest will be on the Facebook like page, 2 smaller contests will also be going at the same time on two separate social media sites. The dates for the contest are the same as the Facebook contest. A person can only participate only in one of the 3 contests.

First, there will a contest on Pinterest which will allow users to submit a photo of a creative way to incorporate the Toblerone chocolate. The most creative use of the Swiss chocolate will win be able to win a months worth of the new Toblerone chocolate bar.

There will also be a contest on Instagram for the most likes on their creative use of the Swiss chocolate. Users of Instagram have to post up their pictures and add the tag #Tobleroneredandgold to be able to participate. The prize is the same for the Pinterest contest.

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