Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hello Typewriter, Goodbye Laptop

Middle aged, tech savvy people was our target audience. Most people in this target audience are aged between 40 to 60 years-old and tend to be people who have a job that requires the use of a laptop or a desktop. Our group decided that the best way to use the nostalgia strategy to bring back typewriters was by showing how computers distract people from the work they are doing. Their nostalgia will bring good memories of the times when their parents used to be on their typewriter for hours with full concentration so as to not make a mistake. For example when working on a report or writing an essay, people have a bad habit of getting distracted by the news and social media like Twitter and Facebook. People may even take longer to finish their work. Our mission is to get our target audience to use typewriters as an alternative to computers because they offer less distraction and forces a person to think about what they are writing. For this campaign we will produce the following commercial.

The commercial starts out with a middle aged man in his office trying to start up a speech for his company. He can't seem to start his speech because he is easily distracted by social media. 3 hours have passed and he 
hasn't written anything. He is fed up with all these distractions and in that instant a light-bulb on top of his head lights up, an epiphany. What he does is that he runs to his attic to get his typewriter out which shines gold and this connotes the idea that it is sacred or magical. The man leaves his computer in the attic on purpose and brings down his typewriter. 30 minutes later he has finished his speech. This shows that a typewriter allows a person to really think about their ideas and not get distracted on their computer.

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