Sunday, April 28, 2013

Stereotypes In Movies: Oliver & Company

One of my favorite movies as a child was a movie by the name of "Oliver & Company" which was released in 1988. Now after all these years of not seeing this movie I watched it and realized how it has very strong presence of stereotypes. The main characters that I feel have stereotypes are the chihuahua Ignacio Julio Federico de tito, the Doverman Roscoe, and the Poodle Georgette.

The first stereotype that is obvious in this movie is the one on the chihuahua. In the movie this chihuahua is full of passion, has anger issues, and is very energetic; this character is a stereotype of people from the country of Mexico. When I was little I thought this character was the funniest but now that I am older I see the stereotype involved. Also, there is a part in the movie where this chihuahua introduces himself with a long name and similarly me having a Mexican decent spotted that stereotype. Mexican families often tend to have really long names but not all.

The second stereotype in this movie is the two Doberman Pinschers, Roscoe and DeSoto. The character of Roscoe has a stereotype because he is one of the bad guys and from the way the characters's voice talks it is targeted to people who have an African-American descent. This is very stereotypical because in many animated movies the character who has an African-American voice tends to be a bad guy.

The third stereotype is on the Poodle Georgette. This character shows a gender stereotype directed to wealthy women. In the movie the Poodle is vain and spoiled. The stereotype in this character is that rich women are stubborn and get what they want.

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