Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Day In The Life of Heather - Tide

On a typical summer weekend, Heather is woken up by her two five-year-old sons at 9am. She proceeds to the garage to grab her white summer dress from the dryer as she left it there overnight. At 9:30am she starts preparing breakfast for her sons and her husband. By 10am her husband has woken up and her sons have settled down on the table. They are enjoying omelettes with a side of fresh strawberries and kiwis as well as orange juice. At around 11am Heather and her husband start to prepare lunch for the family picnic they will attending with Heather's side of the family. At. 11:30am Heather helps her two sons put on their white polo shirts and shorts while the husband gets the car ready. Heather puts on her white summer dress so as to match her sons and her husband who is also wearing white clothes that were washed using their preferred laundry detergent, Tide. At 12pm Heather, her husband and sons arrive at a park where Heather's side of the family is setting things up for their family picnic. Heather's  family is wearing white clothes as well. Heather and her mom give each other a hug and smell each other taking in the scent of Tide. They both smile. Between 1pm and 3pm the children are running around and all the parents are having conversations with each other. At 3pm the whole family is eating what they prepared and they share with each other. Around 6pm the family starts roasting corn on the cob for dinner. The whole family spends the rest of the afternoon talking and looking at the sunset. By 7pm Heather starts to pack up what they brought. By 7:30pm Heather's husband starts driving home. The two sons fall asleep after having played games and running around all day. At 8pm Heather puts her sons to bed, kisses them goodnight and covers them in their fresh white sheets that she had also taken out from the dryer that day. By 9pm Heather is ending her day laying in bed with her husband watching television waiting to fall asleep.

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