Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Creative Out-Of-Home Advertising

The best advertisements I believe are the ones that are shown physically, not on television and not on a magazine/newspaper. The reason why I believe this is because on television advertisements usually air during commercials and most people would change the channel to see what else is on. The same goes for newspaper/magazines people can just skim through it and not even pay attention to the advertisements. The best advertisements there is are out-of-home advertisements because they could interact with possible consumers or make them turn their heads around when passing by.

In this out-of-home advertisement we see a young man sitting at a bench apparently waiting for someone or just simply chilling. The bench he is sitting on is shaped like Kit Kat bar and it is opened. What this advertisement is trying to do is connote the idea of taking a break. Sitting on a bench might be seen as taking a break. This fits perfectly in Kit Kat's slogan of taking a break by eating their chocolate because when people sit down on a bench its usually when they take a break. What better way to link these two things, a chocolate and a bench, than by showing that both have something to do with taking a break.

This billboard is self-explanatory, it is an advertisement for a fitness center. This billboard gets the attention of possible consumers because it is tilted sideways to connote the idea that the man is heavy. The man is in need of going to a fitness center because he is overweight.

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