In class we watched a commercial about the Rose Petal cottage/playhouse product which is meant for girls only. This advertisement had visible stereotypes about women being just housewives; doing all the stuff around the house such as cooking, cleaning and doing laundry. Me and my group decided to do a remake for this commercial by taking all those stereotypes away.
What the original commercial had:
-Homemaker/housewife stereotype
-Girls doing laundry
- Girls baking/cooking
-Girls taking care of the baby
-"Taking care of my home is like a dream come true" song lyric
-House is colored pink/yellow aka girly colors
-Implies that being a homemaker is easy that even a child can do it
-No boys in ad
What the remake of the commercial has:
-Boys and girl doing stuff together such as laundry/cooking much like a family today
-The playhouse has a small office for a girl
-Normal home with no flowers
-Home has darker colors/neutral colors
-Change the lyrics/take out the girly song
-Presence of a boy and girl doing chores together to show equality
Remake of commercial:
The commercial starts when the door of the playhouse opens and a boy and girl are setting up table for dinner. The boy has a chef hat and is cooking dinner for the family which shows that women are not the only ones that cook. While the boy does that the girl goes to her office to check her email, this shows that women in general do have jobs and not just stay at home cleaning. The boy and girl have a family dinner and after they are done eating both the boy and girl wash dishes together, this shows equality. The commercial ends when the door to the playhouse closes; the house has no girly colors and has no flowers in the front lawn. The playhouse has darker or neutral colors much like a normal house. This playhouse will have no stereotypes of women and will be advertised to both girls and boys.
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