Monday, April 8, 2013

Harley Davidson Case Study

Question 1: Do you believe brand communities like Harley-Davidson result in greater involvement with the brand?
I believe brand communities like Harley-Davidson result in a greater involvement with the brand because many people come together for one reason and that is to ride their motorcycles. It brings together people that follow the same biker culture, these people could be from diverse ethnicities, cities, and even from different countries.

Question 2: What elements of the Posse Ride do you believe enhance the meaning of the brand for the riders?

Riding bikes together with other people is one of the elements of the Posse Ride that I believe enhance the meaning of the brand for riders because riders feel a sense of comfort and a sense of power when they ride their bikes along with a crew. It also enhances the brand because when people see a bunch of riders they can easily recognize that they are all riding Harley-Davidson's and thus shows that they are proud of what they do and the brand thy represent. The riders and the brand become one.

Question 3: Should Harley-Davidson get more involved in the ride or would that dilute the ride’s meaning to the participants?

I believe Harley-Davidson should not get more involved because the whole motto of being a biker is going on adventures by yourself. Just one person and his bike. The whole motto of enjoying your bike. Harley-Davidson should just keep the current involvement in the Posse Ride and leave it at that. Bikers enjoy being around people with the same interest in the bikes and culture but sometimes too much involvement could hurt the whole idea of going on an adventure by yourself.

Question 4: In addition to experiences such as the Posse Ride, what other ways could Harley increase involvement in the brand?

Other ways that Harley could increase involvement in the brand is by hosting concerts because this biker culture connotes the idea that they are into rock and metal music. A tribute concert to the many years of Harley Davidson riders with a whole lineup of rock and metal bands as well as a bike show would be a plus.

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