Monday, April 29, 2013

Rose Petal Cottage remake

In class we watched a commercial about the Rose Petal cottage/playhouse product which is meant for girls only. This advertisement had visible stereotypes about women being just housewives; doing all the stuff around the house such as cooking, cleaning and doing laundry. Me and my group decided to do a remake for this commercial by taking all those stereotypes away.

What the original commercial had:
-Homemaker/housewife stereotype
-Girls doing laundry
- Girls baking/cooking
-Girls taking care of the baby
-"Taking care of my home is like a dream come true" song lyric
-House is colored pink/yellow aka girly colors
-Implies that being a homemaker is easy that even a child can do it
-No boys in ad

What the remake of the commercial has:
-Boys and girl doing stuff together such as laundry/cooking much like a family today
-The playhouse has a small office for a girl
-Normal home with no flowers
-Home has darker colors/neutral colors
-Change the lyrics/take out the girly song
-Presence of a boy and girl doing chores together to show equality

Remake of commercial:
The commercial starts when the door of the playhouse opens and a boy and girl are setting up table for dinner. The boy has a chef hat and is cooking dinner for the family which shows that women are not the only ones that cook. While the boy does that the girl goes to her office to check her email, this shows that women in general do have jobs and not just stay at home cleaning. The boy and girl have a family dinner and after they are done eating both the boy and girl wash dishes together, this shows equality. The commercial ends when the door to the playhouse closes; the house has no girly colors and has no flowers in the front lawn. The playhouse has darker or neutral colors much like a normal house. This playhouse will have no stereotypes of women and will be advertised to both girls and boys.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bug Vacuum: Television Ad

1. Action/plot: Mom trying to kill fly
Camera Instructions: Zoom-In
Audio: Swishing sounds and buzzing sounds

2. Action/plot: Mom is frustrated because she cannot kill the fly
Camera Instructions: Zoom-Out
Audio: Grunting

3. Action/plot: Mom looks over to neighbors window and sees another mom using the Bug Vacuum
Camera Instructions: Angle View
Audio: Bug Vacuum sounds

4. Action/plot: Mom sees the Bug Vacuum as something magical/holy which is floating in mid-air
Camera Instructions: Still camera pointed at the Bug Vacuum
Audio: Hallelujah theme song

5. Action/plot: Mom screams to the 2nd mom from across the window and she responds back
Camera Instructions: Angle View
Audio: Mom: What is that?
           2nd Mom: BUG VACUUM!!!! BUG VACUUM!!

6. Action/plot: Mom runs as fast as she can to the closest store
Camera Instructions: Angle View
Audio: Panting and running sounds

7. Action/plot: Mom runs to Walmart since it is the closest store
Camera Instructions: Angle View
Audio: Sounds of panting and relief

8. Action/plot:  Mom sees the Bug Vacuum and smiles of success
Camera Instructions: Zoom-In of the Bug Vacuum
Audio: Mom: Yes my bug problems are solved!!!
           VO: When life is flying by you, don't take a swing, vacuum those pests with the bug vacuum

Stereotypes In Movies: Oliver & Company

One of my favorite movies as a child was a movie by the name of "Oliver & Company" which was released in 1988. Now after all these years of not seeing this movie I watched it and realized how it has very strong presence of stereotypes. The main characters that I feel have stereotypes are the chihuahua Ignacio Julio Federico de tito, the Doverman Roscoe, and the Poodle Georgette.

The first stereotype that is obvious in this movie is the one on the chihuahua. In the movie this chihuahua is full of passion, has anger issues, and is very energetic; this character is a stereotype of people from the country of Mexico. When I was little I thought this character was the funniest but now that I am older I see the stereotype involved. Also, there is a part in the movie where this chihuahua introduces himself with a long name and similarly me having a Mexican decent spotted that stereotype. Mexican families often tend to have really long names but not all.

The second stereotype in this movie is the two Doberman Pinschers, Roscoe and DeSoto. The character of Roscoe has a stereotype because he is one of the bad guys and from the way the characters's voice talks it is targeted to people who have an African-American descent. This is very stereotypical because in many animated movies the character who has an African-American voice tends to be a bad guy.

The third stereotype is on the Poodle Georgette. This character shows a gender stereotype directed to wealthy women. In the movie the Poodle is vain and spoiled. The stereotype in this character is that rich women are stubborn and get what they want.

Interruptive Advertising

Discuss the theme of Interruptive Advertising. Find examples for it and against it. Is TV really the elephant in the room?

1. Interruptive Advertising is known as a derogatory term for the constant advertising, promotion and public relations. It is considered an annoying way to get people to buy your product or service.Various techniques that by which Interruptive Advertising include telemarketing, print advertising, direct mail, E-mail spam and TV/Radio advertisements.

2. One main reason why interruptive advertising suits companies is because it generates quick results which make way for a more scientific way to measure sales. This is possible when a company has sufficient funds and management wants quick results. Constant advertising of something that a consumer does not want might still make that consumer buy the product or service just so they can stop being bothered. This is a main pro that although it is annoying it still produces fast results.

A reason why interruptive advertising doesn't appeal to consumers is because it sometimes annoys them being reminded of a product or service that they simply do not want. Telemarketing for example is known to annoy people because companies want to persuade a person to buy a product or service. Most people click right away, they don't want to hear it. Another example why this type of advertising is annoying is through E-mail spam. No one really likes opening their E-mail account and seeing 50-100 messages daily that have no importance for the consumer. These messages known as spam get deleted all the time so why send them in the first place?

3. The "elephant in the room" is a term used for an issue that everyone is aware of but won't do anything about it. The issue with television is that because of its interruptive advertising more and more people are moving away from television. These people are moving to video streaming websites where television shows, movies, sports and news are able to be seen. Some of these websites include Netflix, where there is absolutely no ads, therefore the consumer doesn't have to be interrupted from their show. Other websites include Hulu where interruptive advertisements are present but for a price of 9.99, a consumer can take them off. Television ads have to adapt to this movement and offer ads that are more compelling to the consumer so they wont click away.

Toblerone Contest

For our creative challenge we came up with a social media campaign so people could try out the new Toblerone Crunchy Salted Almond which features Swiss milk chocolate with salted caramelized almonds, honey and almond nougat. For our social media campaign we will use three different social media sites which include Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. With this this campaign we hope to increase the number of people that will try out this new chocolate bar which will also be featured in a limited edition red and gold box because of the holiday season.

We will create a Facebook like page to get the word out about our Toblerone Contest which will start the day after Thanksgiving also known as "Black Friday" and will end on December 24th or "Christmas Eve". The point of the contest is whoever generates the most likes on their posted photos will win. Anyone in the United States can participate in this contest by posting a photograph of themselves with the new Toblerone bar, this photo can be taken anywhere but here is the catch, it must be a holiday setting since its the end of the year which is the time in the United States that people celebrate. There will be 3 winners of the "Holiday Toblerone Challenge". 1st place winner will get an all expense paid 2 day trip to New York for New Year's Eve which includes 2 plane tickets, hotel reservations, and a limousine ride. The second place winner will get $1,000. The third place winner will win a months worth of the new Toblerone Crunchy Salted Almond.

Althought the main contest will be on the Facebook like page, 2 smaller contests will also be going at the same time on two separate social media sites. The dates for the contest are the same as the Facebook contest. A person can only participate only in one of the 3 contests.

First, there will a contest on Pinterest which will allow users to submit a photo of a creative way to incorporate the Toblerone chocolate. The most creative use of the Swiss chocolate will win be able to win a months worth of the new Toblerone chocolate bar.

There will also be a contest on Instagram for the most likes on their creative use of the Swiss chocolate. Users of Instagram have to post up their pictures and add the tag #Tobleroneredandgold to be able to participate. The prize is the same for the Pinterest contest.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Creative Out-Of-Home Advertising

The best advertisements I believe are the ones that are shown physically, not on television and not on a magazine/newspaper. The reason why I believe this is because on television advertisements usually air during commercials and most people would change the channel to see what else is on. The same goes for newspaper/magazines people can just skim through it and not even pay attention to the advertisements. The best advertisements there is are out-of-home advertisements because they could interact with possible consumers or make them turn their heads around when passing by.

In this out-of-home advertisement we see a young man sitting at a bench apparently waiting for someone or just simply chilling. The bench he is sitting on is shaped like Kit Kat bar and it is opened. What this advertisement is trying to do is connote the idea of taking a break. Sitting on a bench might be seen as taking a break. This fits perfectly in Kit Kat's slogan of taking a break by eating their chocolate because when people sit down on a bench its usually when they take a break. What better way to link these two things, a chocolate and a bench, than by showing that both have something to do with taking a break.

This billboard is self-explanatory, it is an advertisement for a fitness center. This billboard gets the attention of possible consumers because it is tilted sideways to connote the idea that the man is heavy. The man is in need of going to a fitness center because he is overweight.

A Day In The Life of Heather - Tide

On a typical summer weekend, Heather is woken up by her two five-year-old sons at 9am. She proceeds to the garage to grab her white summer dress from the dryer as she left it there overnight. At 9:30am she starts preparing breakfast for her sons and her husband. By 10am her husband has woken up and her sons have settled down on the table. They are enjoying omelettes with a side of fresh strawberries and kiwis as well as orange juice. At around 11am Heather and her husband start to prepare lunch for the family picnic they will attending with Heather's side of the family. At. 11:30am Heather helps her two sons put on their white polo shirts and shorts while the husband gets the car ready. Heather puts on her white summer dress so as to match her sons and her husband who is also wearing white clothes that were washed using their preferred laundry detergent, Tide. At 12pm Heather, her husband and sons arrive at a park where Heather's side of the family is setting things up for their family picnic. Heather's  family is wearing white clothes as well. Heather and her mom give each other a hug and smell each other taking in the scent of Tide. They both smile. Between 1pm and 3pm the children are running around and all the parents are having conversations with each other. At 3pm the whole family is eating what they prepared and they share with each other. Around 6pm the family starts roasting corn on the cob for dinner. The whole family spends the rest of the afternoon talking and looking at the sunset. By 7pm Heather starts to pack up what they brought. By 7:30pm Heather's husband starts driving home. The two sons fall asleep after having played games and running around all day. At 8pm Heather puts her sons to bed, kisses them goodnight and covers them in their fresh white sheets that she had also taken out from the dryer that day. By 9pm Heather is ending her day laying in bed with her husband watching television waiting to fall asleep.