Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Women in Advertising

Advertisements portray stereotypes about women, which are usually used to sell products for men. The stereotypes that have been created for women are: the homemaker, the mother, the sex object, subservient femininity and powerless. Stereotypes of women in advertisements still exist and it is changing because now we see ads that portray women positively. Ads today tend to portray women as objects that can obtained if a man is to buy a certain car, cologne or alcoholic beverage.
In this advertisement for Burger King a woman is surprised at the size of the new burger but it clearly shows that a woman is portrayed as a sexual object. This ad definitely tries to show a negative message about women.

Not only have ads created stereotypes about women but they have also showed how women are supposed to look like to be desirable by men. Women in fashion, music, and television are usually thin, tall and blonde. This gives of the stereotype that only good looking women can get a mans attention. Women are portrayed as serving  men or trying to impress men. On the other hand there has been may recent ads that show women having power and independent from men.

In this Nike ad we see a woman who is shown as strong and determined. Most Athletic women  are portrayed as having power because they too can play sports as good as men.

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